
作者:  发布时间:2023-03-13  阅读次数:







2010.09–2016.06  华中农业大学bwin国际遗传学专业,理学博士

2006.09–2010.06  华中农业大学植物科学技术学院植物科学与技术专业,农学学士


2020.11至今          bwin国际,副教授

2019.10–2020.10  bwin国际,讲师

2018.06–2019.09  仲恺农业工程学院农业与生物学院,副教授

2016.07–2018.06  华中农业大学植物科学技术学院,博士后


1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31801369):ZmEREB180耐渍功能证实及调控机理研究,2019.01–2021.12,主持

2. 省部共建小麦玉米作物学国家重点实验室开放课题(201910701215002):转录因子ZmEREB180下游靶基因及互作蛋白的筛选与验证,2019.12–2021.12,主持

3. bwin国际青年科学基金(190804000005):玉米基因ZmEREB180调控渍水胁迫,2019.12–2021.12,主持

4. 国家重大研究计划(91735306):玉米粒形关键基因遗传调控及互作网络解析,2018.01–2019.12,参加

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31771796):玉米穗行数基因zmqKRN8.03功能及调控机理研究,2018.01–2021.12,参加

6. 国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0101803):玉米分子设计育种,2016.07–2020.12,参加

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31571675):玉米耐渍基因ZmWT5.04功能及调控机理研究,2016.01–2019.12,参加

8. 国家重大研究计划(91435107):玉米粒型性状形成关键基因的克隆及遗传解析,2015.01–2017.12,结题,参加

9. 十三五“973 计划”,2014CB138203,玉米粒型相关基因的克隆和功能验证,2014.07–2016.07,参加

10. 国家重大研究计划(91335205):玉米粒型和灌浆关键基因的克隆与功能解析,2014.01–2016.12,参加

11. 十二五“973 计划”,2009CB118403,高产优质性状关键位点间的互作效应,2009.07–2011.07,参加


1. Yu Feng, Qi Huanhuan, Gao Li, Luo Sen, Damaris Rebecca Njeri, Ke Yinggen, Wu Wenhua, Yang Pingfang. Identifying RNA modifications by direct RNA sequencing reveals complexity of epitranscriptomic dynamics in rice. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.gpb.2023.02.002.

2. Qi Huanhuan, Yu Feng, Deng Jiao, Zhang Liangsheng, Yang Pingfang. The high-quality genome of lotus reveals tandem duplicate genes involved in stress response and secondary metabolites biosynthesis. Horticultural research, 2023, doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhad040.

3. Qi Huanhuan, Liang Kun, Ke Yinggen, Wang Jing, Yang Pingfang, Yu Feng*, Qiu Fazhan*. Advances of apetala2/ethylene response factors in regulating development and stress response in maize. Int J Mol Sci, 2023, 24: 5416.

4. Qi Huanhuan, Yu Feng, Deng Jiao, Yang Pingfang. Studies on lotus genomics and the contribution to its breeding. Int J Mol Sci, 2022, 23(13): 7270.

5. Qi Huanhuan, Chen Xiaoke, Luo Sen, Fan Hongzeng, Guo Jinghua, Zhang Xuehai, Ke Yinggen, Yang Pingfang, Yu Feng*. Genome-wide identification and characterization heat shock protein 20 genes in maize. Life, 2022, 12, 1397.

6. Yu Feng, Li Ming, He Dongli, Yang Pingfang. Advances on post-translational modifications involved in seed germination. Front Plant Sci, 2021, 12: 642979.

7. Qi Huanhuan, Yu Feng, Damaris Rebecca Njeri, Yang Pingfang. Metabolomics analyses of cotyledon and plumule showing the potential domestic selection in lotus breeding. Molecules, 2021, 26(4): 913.

8. Yu Feng, Tan Zengdong, Fang Tian, Tang Kaiyuan, Liang Kun, Qiu Fazhan. A comprehensive transcriptomics analysis reveals long non-coding RNA to be involved in the key metabolic pathway in response to waterlogging stress in maize. Genes, 2020, 11: 267.

9. Du Lei, Yu Feng, Zhang Hao, Wang Bo, Ma Kejun, Yu Changping, Xin Wangsen, Huang Xing, Liu Yongzhong, Liu Kede. Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci and a major locus for resistance to grey leaf spot in maize. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020, 133: 2521-2533.

10. Yu Feng, Liang Kun, Fang Tian, Zhao Hailiang, Han Xuesong, Cai Manjun and Qiu Fazhan. A group Ⅶ ethylene response factor gene, ZmEREB180, coordinates waterlogging tolerance in maize seedlings. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17: 2286-2298.

11. Yu Feng, Liang Kun, Han Xuesong, Du Dengxiang, Pan Zhenyuan and Qiu Fazhan. Major natural genetic variation contributes to waterlogging tolerance in maize seedlings. Molecular Breeding, 2019, 39: 97

12. Yu Feng, Liang Kun, Zhang Zuzin, Du Dengxiang, Zhang Xuehai, Zhao Hailiang, Ui Haq Basir, Qiu Fazhan. Dissecting the genetic architecture of waterlogging stress-related traits uncovers a key waterlogging tolerance gene in maize. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2018, 131: 2299-2310.

13. Yu Feng, Han Xuesong, Geng Cunjuan, Zhao Yanxin, Zhang Zuzin, Qiu Fazhan. Comparative proteomic analysis revealing the complex network associated with waterlogging stress in maize (Zea mays L.) seedling root cells. Proteomics, 2015, 15: 135-147.

14. Han Xuesong, Qin Yao, Yu Feng, Ren Xuemei, Qiu Fazhan and Zhang Zuxin. A megabase-scale deletion is associated with phenotypic variation of multiple traits in maize. Genetics, 2018, 211: 305-316.

15. Zhang Xiao, Tang Bin, Yu Feng, Li Liu, Wang Min, Xue Yadong, Zhang Zuxin, Yan Jianbing, Yue Bing, Zheng Yonglian, Qiu Fazhan. Identification of major QTL for waterlogging tolerance using genome-wide association and linkage mapping of maize seedlings. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2013, 31: 594-606

16. Osman Khalid A, Tang Bin, Wang Yaping, Chen Juanhua, Yu Feng, Li Liu, Han Xuesong, Zhang Zuxin, Yan Jianbing, Zheng Yonglian, Yue Bing, Qiu Fazhan. Dynamic QTL analysis and candidate gene mapping for waterlogging tolerance at maize seedling stage. PloS one, 2013, 8: e79305


1. 邱法展,余锋,梁昆;玉米基因 ZmEREB180在植物耐渍中的应用,专利号 201810332909.5

2. 邱法展,余锋,梁昆;基因 GRMZM2G179981 启动子在玉米苗期耐渍性筛选中的应用,专利号201811501495.0


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