
作者:  发布时间:2020-11-03  阅读次数:







2004.09–2008.06  中国科学院水生生物研究所藻类遗传专业,理学博士

2001.09–2004.07  华中农业大学农学系油菜遗传育种专业,农学硕士

1997.09–2001.07  华中农业大学农学系,农学学士


2018.12至今           bwin国际,副教授

2010.04–2018.11  中国科学院武汉植物园,水生植物基因组学与育种课题组,副研究员,主要从事水稻与莲种子萌发及抗老化研究

2013.04–2013.10  法国农业科学研究院IJPB研究所,访问学者6个月,主要作了水稻种子抗老化的机理研究与交流

2019.09–2020.09  美国宾夕法尼亚大学,访问学者一年,主要从事质体转化和蛋白的翻译后修饰分析


1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目(31101213):水稻线粒体定位基因OsB12D1在种子萌发中的功能及作用机理研究,2012.01–2014.12,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31671775):水稻种子萌发过程中赤霉素信号传递所介导的蛋白质磷酸化级联反应及其功能分析,2017.01–2020.12,参与


1. He DL, Li M, Damaris RN, Bu C, Xue JY, Yang PF. (2020) Quantitative ubiquitylomics approach for characterizing the dynamic change and extensive modulation of ubiquitylation in rice seed germination. The Plant Journal 101, 1430–1447.

2. He DL, Damaris RN, Li M, Khan I, Yang PF. (2020) Advances on plant ubiquitylome–from mechanism to application. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, 7909.

3. Pan R#, He DL#, Xu L, Zhou M , Li C, Wu C, Xu Y, Zhang W. (2019) Proteomic analysis reveals response of differential wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to oxygen deficiency stress. BMC genomics 20, 60.

4. Zhang H, Li M, He DL, Wang K, Yang PF. (2019) Mutations on ent–kaurene oxidase 1 encoding gene attenuate its enzyme activity of catalyzing the reaction from ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid and lead to delayed germination in rice. PLOS Genetics 16, e1008562.  

5. Damaris RN, Lin ZY, Yang PF, He DL. (2019) The rice alpha-amylase, conserved regulator of seed maturation and germination. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20, 450.

6. Li J, Shi T, Huang LY, He DL, Nyong’A TM, Yang PF. (2018) Systematic transcriptomic analysis provides insights into lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) seed development. Plant growth regulation 86, 339–350.

7. Galland M, He DL, Lounifi I, Arc E, Clément G, Balzergue S, Cueff G, Godin B, Granier F, Morin H, Valot B, Rajjou L. (2017) An integrated “Multi-Omics” comparison of embryo and endosperm tissue-specific features and their impact on rice seed. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 1984.

8. Zhang H, He DL, Li M, Yang P. (2017). Carbonylated protein changes between active germinated embryos and quiescent embryos give insights into rice seed germination regulation. Plant Growth Regulation 83, 335–350.

9. He DL#, Wang Q, Li M, Damaris RN, Yi XL, Cheng ZY, Yang PF. (2016) Global proteome analyses of lysine acetyllysine and succinyllysine reveal the widespread involvement of both modification in metabolism in the embryo of germinating rice seed. Journal of Proteome Research 15, 879–890.

10. He DL, Damaris RN, Fu JL, Tu JX, Fu TD, Chen X, Weckwerth W, Yi B*, Yang PF. (2016) Differential molecular responses of rapeseed cotyledons to light and dark reveal metabolic adaptations in postgerminative seedling establishment. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 988.

11. He DL, Wang Q, Wang K, Yang PF. (2015) Genome-wide dissection of the microRNA expression profile in rice embryo during early stages of seed germination. PLoS One 10, e0145424.

12. Yin XJ, He DL, Gupta R, Yang PF. (2015) Physiological and proteomic analyses on artificially aged Brassica napus seed. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 112.

13. He DL, Zhang H, Yang PF. (2014) The mitochondrion-located protein OsB12D1 enhances ooding tolerance during seed germination and early seedling growth in rice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15, 13461–13481.

14. Zhang H, He DL, Yu JL, Li M, Damaris RN, Gupta R, Kim ST, Yang PF (2015). Analysis of dynamic protein carbonylation in rice embryo during germination through AP-SWATH. Proteomics 16, 989–1000.

15. Han C, He DL, Li M, Yang PF. (2014) In-depth proteomic analysis of rice embryo reveals its important roles in seed germination. Plant and Cell Physiology 55: 1826–1847.

16. Komatsu S, Han C, Nanjo Y, Altaf-Un-Nahar M, Wang K, He DL, Yang PF. (2013) Label–free quantitative proteomic analysis of abscisic acid effect in early–stage soybean under flooding. Journal of Proteome Research 12: 4769–4784. (IF:6.9)

17. Han C, Yin XJ, He DL, Yang PF*. (2013) Analysis of proteome profile in germinating soybean seed, and its comparison with rice showing the styles of reserves mobilization in different crops. PLoS ONE 8. (SCI, IF:4.4)

18. He DL, Yang PF*. (2013) Proteomics of rice seed germination. Frontiers in Plant Science 4, 246–249. (SCI, IF:4.47)

19. He DL, Han C, Yao JL, Shen SH, Yang PF. (2011) Constructing the metabolic and regulatory pathways in germinating rice seeds through proteomic approach. Proteomics 11, 2693–2713.

20. He DL, Han C, Yang PF. (2011) Gene expression profile changes in germinating rice seed. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53, 835–844.

21. He DL, Xu XD*. (2010) CalA, a cyAbrB protein, binds to the upstream region of ftsZ and is down-regulated in heterocysts in Anabaena sp PCC 7120. Archives of Microbiology 192: 461–469.

22. 何冬丽,徐旭东*.2011)异形胞分化相关基因在点形念珠藻厚壁孢子中的转录表达。水生生物学报353, 528–531

23. 何冬丽,杨光圣*.2004)甘蓝型油菜单倍体离体诱变及其效应的AFLP分子标记检测。中国油料作物学报262,10–14


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