
作者:系统管理员  发布时间:2013-09-06  阅读次数:







2004.09–2007.06  武汉大学,免疫学,博士

2001.09–2004.07  华中农业大学,预防传染病,硕士

1993.09–1996.07  湖北中医药大学,医学检验


2013.06至今          bwin国际,副教授

2008.07–2013.05  bwin国际,讲师

2015.01–2016.01  哈佛医学院访问学者,职员

2007.07–2008.06  海南医学院热带病重点实验室,助理研究员


1.    湖北省自然科学基金项目(2014CF230):结核分枝杆菌表面毒力蛋白鉴定,2014.01–2015.12,主持

2.    国家自然科学基金面上项目(3097007):磷脂酰胆碱合成酶基因在细菌致病性中的作用与机理,2010.01–2012.12,参与

3.    国家自然科学基金面上项目(30973669):新型靶向双功能抗体及其对类风湿关节炎的治疗,2010.01–2012.12,参与

4.    国家地区科学基金项目(30960411):IL-10IL-12基因修饰树突状细胞疫苗诱导Th1调节T细胞及治疗哮喘,2010.01–2012.12,参与

5.    国家青年科学基金项目(30801014):我国汉族人群乳腺癌易感基因FGFR2单核苷酸多态性研究,2009.01–2011.12,主持

6.    湖北省教育厅项目(20091001):放射免疫治疗丙肝相关肿瘤,2009.01–2011.12,主持

7.    国家自然科学基金面上项目(30670098):丙型肝炎病毒包膜糖蛋白糖基化的免疫功能研究,2007.01–2009.12,已结题,参与

8.    国家自然科学基金重点项目(20532020):糖肽的合成及其免疫学功能研究,2006.01–2010.12,参与


1.     Wang W, Liu H, Zhou J, Wang Y, Feng X, Tang H, Yan Q, Sheng R, Zhu R, Wu Y, Wang X, He D, Fan Chen F*. (2019) Skin test of tuberculin purified protein derivatives with a dissolving microneedle-array patch. Drug Delivery and Translational Research 9, 795–801.

2.     Yan Q, Cheng Z, Liu H, Shan W, Cheng Z, Dai X, Xue Y, Chen F. (2018) Enhancement of Ag85B DNA vaccine immunogenicity against tuberculosis by dissolving microneedles in mice. Vaccine 36, 4471–4476.

3.     Yan Q, Liu H, Cheng X, Xue Y, Cheng Z, Dai X, Shan W, Chen F*. (2017) Immunotherapeutic effect of BCG-polysaccharide nucleic acid powder on Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice using microneedle patches. Drug Delivery 24, 1648–1653.

4.     Chen F, Yan Q, Yu Y, Wu M. (2017) BCG vaccine powder-laden and dissolvable microneedle arrays for lesion free vaccination. Journal of Controlled Release 255, 36–44.

5.     Chen F, Chen S, Zhou J, Cheng Z, Chen F. (2015) Identification of aptamer-binding sites in hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E2. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences 40, 63–67.

6.     Chen F, Zhou J, Xue Y, Yang S, Xiong M, Li Y, Liu Q. (2014) A single nucleotide polymorphism of the TNRC9 gene associated with breast cancer risk in Chinese Han women. Genetics and Molecular Research 13, 182–187.

7.     Chen F, Zhou J, Huang Y, Huang F, Liu Q, Fang Z, Yang S, Xiong M, Lin Y, Tan G. (2013) Function of ssDNA aptamer and aptamer pool against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a mouse model. Molecular Medicine Reports 7, 669–673

8.     Chen F, Liu Q, Xue Y, Huang YH, Huang FY, Lin YTan GHZhou J. (2013) Ficolin-A enhances inhibition of the C-terminal 19kDa region of merozoite surface protein-1 of plasmodium berghei using test in vivo. Iranian Journal of Parasitology 8, 33–39

9.     Chen F, Min L, Xue Y, Zhou J, Hu F, Chen X, Zhao Z, Li Y, Wang X. (2012) Genetic variants of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) are associated with breast cancer risk in Chinese women of the Han nationality. Immunogenetics 64, 71–76.

10.  Chen F, Zhang X, Zhou J, Liu S, Liu J. (2012) Aptamer inhibits Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv) invasion of macrophage. Molecular Biology Reports 39, 2157–2162

11.  Chen F, Zhao Q, Cai X, Lv L, Lin W, Yu X, Li C, Yang Li Y, Xiong M, Wang X. (2009) Phosphatidylcholine in membrane of Escherichia coli changes bacterial antigenicity. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 55, 1328–1334.

12.  Chen F, Zhou J, Luo F, Mohammed AB, Zhang L. (2007) Aptamer from whole-bacterium SELEX as new therapeutic reagent against virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 357, 743–748.

13.  陈凡,何建安,董瑞玲,等. SPR蛋白质芯片在输入性疟疾筛查中的应用. 生物工程学报, 2021, 37 (4): 1360–1367.


1.    一种卡介苗干粉微针疫苗及其制备方法,申请号:201610717947.3

2.    一种可溶性中空微针及其制备方法,申请号:201610718021.6

3.    一种结核菌素微针贴片及其制备方法和应用,申请号:201711084669.3

4.    可溶性截短的人TRAIL活性蛋白的制备方法,申请号:201010243089.6

5.    抗结核杆菌感染的小分子核苷酸DNA适配子及其制备方法, 申请号:200910003994.1

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