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2005.09–2008.07  中国科学院动物研究所,生态学专业博士

1998.09–2005.06  bwin国际,化学生态学专业学士与动物生态学专业硕士


2020.12至今          bwin国际,教授

2019.08–2019.11  中国农业科学院植物保护研究所,研究员

2016.01–2019.07  中国科学院动物研究所,研究员

2011.01–2015.12  中国科学院动物研究所,副研究员

2009.09–2010.12  中国科学院动物研究所,助理研究员

2008.09–2009.08  南非比勒陀利亚大学,博士后


1. 科技部国家重点研发计划项目-课题:人工林多物种种间级联对生物灾害形成的作用,547万,2017.072021.06,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目:林学,100万,2013.01-2015.12,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:外来入侵种红脂大小蠹与其伴生真菌的互惠共生入侵机制,65万,2012.012015.12,主持

4. 中国科学院战略性B类先导科技专项-课题:信息流调控基因修饰共生微生物的有害生物行为操纵,664万,2014.072019.06,主持

5. 科技部973“害虫暴发成灾的行为与遗传机理子课题:共生微生物调控的害虫多营养级关系,133.34万,2012.012016.08,主持


1. Luo J, Cheng Y, Guo L, Wang A, Lu M*, Xu L*. (2021) Variation of gut microbiota caused by an imbalance diet is detrimental to bugs’ survival. Science of the Total Environment. 771:144880.

2. Liu Y, Xu L , Zhang Z, Huang Z, Fang D, Zheng X, Yang Z, Lu M*. (2021) Isolation, identification, and analysis of potential functions of culturable bacteria associated with an invasive gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa. Microbial Ecology.

3. Ma M, Tu C, Luo J, Lu M, Zhang S*, Xu L*. (2021) Metabolic and immunological effects of gut microbiota in leaf beetles at the local and systemic levels. Integrative Zoology. 16:313-323.

4. Liu F, Wickham J, Cao Q, Lu M, Sun J*. (2020) An invasive beetle-fungus complex is maintained by fungal nutritional-compensation mediated by bacterial volatiles. ISME J. 14:2829-2842.

5. Xu L, Sun L, Zhang S, Wang S, Lu M*. (2019) High resolution profiling of gut bacterial communities in an invasive beetle using PacBio SMRT sequencing system. Insects. 10:248

6. Xu L, Liu Y, Xu S, Lu M*. (2019) Gut commensal bacteria in biological invasion. Integrative Zoology. 14:613-618.

7. Xu L, Deng J, Zhou F, Cheng C, Zhang L*, Zhang J*, Lu M*. (2019) Gut microbiota in an invasive bark beetle infected by a pathogenic fungus accelerates beetle mortality. Journal of Pest Science. 92(1):343-351 (ESI Highly Cited Paper).

8. Cheng C, Wickham JD, Chen L, Xu D, Lu M*, Sun J*. (2018) Bacterial microbiota protect an invasive bark beetle from a pine defensive compound. Microbiome. 6: 132.

9. Xu D, Xu L, Zhou F, Wang B, Wang S, Lu M*, Sun J. (2018) Gut Bacterial Communities of Dendroctonus valens and Monoterpenes and Carbohydrates of Pinus tabuliformis at Different Attack Densities to Host Pines. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 1251.

10. Xu L, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Deng J, Lu M, Zhang L, Zhang J. (2018) Comparative analysis of the immune system of an invasive bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, infected by an entomopathogenic fungus. Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 88: 65-69.

11. Cao Q, Wickham J, Chen L, Ahmad F, Lu M*, Sun J*. (2018) Effect of oxygen on verbenone conversion from cis-verbenol by gut facultative anaerobes of Dendroctonus valens. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9: 1-10.

12. Wang B#, Lu M#, Cook JM, Yang D-R, Dunn DW, Wang R-W. (2018) Chemical camouflage: a key process in shaping an ant-treehopper and fig-fig wasp mutualistic network. Scientific Reports. 8:1833.

13. Zhao L, Ahmad F, Lu M, Zhang W, Wickham JD, Sun J. (2018) Ascarosides promote the prevalence of Ophiostomatoid fungi and an invasive pathogenic nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 44: 701-710.

14. Zhang B, Zhang W, Lu M, Ahmad F, Tian H, Ning J, Liu X, Zhao L, Sun J. (2017) Chemical signals of vector beetle facilitate the prevalence of a native fungus and the invasive pinewood nematode. Journal of Nematology. 49(4): 341-347.

15. Wang S, Zhou F, Wang B, Xu D, Cao Q, Lu M*, Sun JH. (2017) Volatiles produced by bacteria alleviate antagonistic effects of one associated fungus on Dendroctonus valens larvae. Science China Life Sciences. 60(8): 924-926.

16. Zhou F, Xu L, Wang S, Wang B, Lou Q, Lu M*, Sun JH*. (2017) Bacterial volatile ammonia regulates the consumption sequence of D-pinitol and D-glucose in a fungus associated with an invasive bark beetle. The ISME Journal. 11: 2809-2820.

17. Lu M, Hulcr J, Sun JH. (2016) The role of symbiotic microbes in insect invasions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 47: 487-505.

18. Xu L#, Lu M#, Xu D, Chen L, Sun JH. (2016) Sexual variation of bacterial microbiota of Dendroctonus valens guts and frass in relation to verbenone production. Journal of Insect Physiology. 95: 110-117.

19. Cheng C, Xu L, Xu D, Lou Q, Lu M*, Sun JH*. (2016) Does cryptic microbiota mitigate pine resistance to an invasive beetle-fungus complex? Implications for invasion potential. Scientific Reports. 6: 33110.

20. Zhou F, Lou Q, Wang B, Xu L, Cheng C, Lu M*, Sun JH*. (2016) Altered carbohydrates allocation by associated bacteria-fungi interactions in a bark beetle-microbe symbiosis. Scientific Reports. 6: 20135.

21. Xu L, Lu M*, Sun JH*. (2016) Invasive bark beetle-associated microbes degrade a host defensive monoterpene. Insect Science. 23: 183-190.

22. Xu L, Shi Z, Wang B, Lu M, Sun JH. (2016) Pine defensive monoterpene α-pinene influences the feeding behavior of Dendroctonus valens and its gut bacterial community structure. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 17: 1734.

23. Xu L, Lou Q, Cheng C, Lu M*, Sun JH*. (2015) Gut-associated bacteria of Dendroctonus valens and their involvement in verbenone production. Microbial Ecology. 70: 1012-1023.

24. Cheng C, Zhou F, Lu M*, Sun JH*. (2015) Inducible pine rosin defense mediates interactions between an invasive in­sect-fungal complex and newly acquired sympatric fungal associates. Integrative Zoology. 10: 453-464.

25. Li D, Shi J, Lu M, Ren L, Zhen C, Luo Y. (2015) Detection and identification of the invasive Sirex noctilio (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) fungal symbiont, Amylostereum areolatum (Russulales: Amylostereacea), in China and the stimulating effect of insect venom on laccase production by A. areolatum YQL03. Journal of Economic Entomology. 108(3): 1136-1147.

26. Lou Q, Lu M, Sun JH. (2014) Yeast diversity associated with invasive Dendroctonus valens killing Pinus tabuliformis in China using culturing and molecular methods. Microbial Ecology. 68: 397-415.

27. Sun JH, Lu M, Gillette NE, Wingfield MJ.(2013) Red turpentine beetle: innocuous native becomes invasive tree killer in China. Annual Review of Entomology. 58: 293-311.

28. Zhao L#, Lu M#, Niu H, Fang G, Zhang S, Sun JH. (2013) A native fungal symbiont facilitates the prevalence and development of an invasive pathogen-native vector symbiosis. Ecology. 94(12): 2817-2826.

29. Wang B#, Lu M#, Cheng C, Salcedo C, Sun JH. (2013) Saccharide-mediated antagonistic effects of bark beetle fungal associates on larvae. Biology Letters. 9(1): 20120787.

30. Wang B, Salcedo C, Lu M, Sun JH. (2012) Mutual interactions between an invasive bark beetle and its associated fungi. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 102: 71-77.

31. Niu H, Zhao L, Lu M, Zhang S, Sun JH. (2012) The ratio and concentration of two monoterpenes mediate fecundity of the pinewood nematodes and growth of its associated fungi. PLoS ONE. 7(2): e31716.

32. Lu M, Wingfield MJ, Gillette NE, Sun JH. (2011) Do novel genotypes drive the success of an invasive bark beetle/fungus complex? Implications for potential reinvasion. Ecology. 92(11): 2013-2019.

33. Lu M, Wingfield MJ, Gillette NE, Mori SR, Sun JH. (2010) Complex interactions among host pines and fungi vectored by an invasive bark beetle. New Phytologist. 187: 859-866.

34. Lu M, Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ, Sun JH. (2009) Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the invasive pine-infesting bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, in China. Fungal Diversity. 38: 133-145.

35. Lu M, Miller D, Sun JH. (2007) Cross-attraction between an exotic and a native pine bark beetle: A novel invasion mechanism? PLoS ONE. 2: e1302.

36. Wei X, Wu Y, Readon R, Sun TH, Lu M, Sun JH. (2007) Biology and damage traits of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) in China. Insect Science. 14: 367-373.

37. 寇冀蒙,刘芳华,刘一澎,马玲,鲁敏. (2020). 伴生细菌在入侵种桉树枝瘿姬小蜂克服桉树抗性中的作用. 生物安全学报 29(1) :31-38 (国内核心).

38. 胥丹丹,陈立,王晓伟,鲁敏. (2017). 我国入侵昆虫学研究进展. 应用昆虫学报 54(6): 885-897 (国内核心).

39. 王闪闪,周方园,王波,胥丹丹,曹庆杰,鲁敏,孙江华. (2017). 细菌挥发物减缓伴生真菌对红脂大小蠹幼虫的不利作用. 中国科学:生命科学 47(9): 977-987 (国内核心).

40. 魏佳宁,王宪辉,孙玉诚,鲁敏,张永军,王桂荣,徐卫华,康乐. (2012). 害虫的遗传与行为调控. 应用昆虫学报 49(2): 299-308 (国内核心).

41. 鲁敏, 孙江华. 2008. 危害松树的小蠹虫与其伴生菌的相互关系. (昆虫知识) 45(4): 518-527 (国内核心).

42. 张龙娃, 鲁敏, 刘柱东, 孙江华. 2007. 红脂大小蠹入侵机制与化学生态学研究进展. (昆虫知识) 44(2): 171-178 (国内核心).


1. 首届中国科学院卓越青年科学家项目(2014年)

2. 首届国际动物学会青年科学家奖(2017年)

3. 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖(2011年)

4. 第四届中国林学会梁希青年论文一等奖(2011年)

5. 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员(2013年)

6. 第五届国际整合生物学研讨会最佳报告奖(2013年)




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