
作者:  发布时间:2023-10-04  阅读次数:









2009.03–2013.07  法国巴黎十一大学植物研究所,理学博士

2011.04–2011.05  英国利兹大学生物科学学院,访问研究

2006.09–2008.07  华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院,理学硕士

2002.09–2006.07  武汉轻工大学生命科学与技术学院,工学学士


2015.07至今         bwin国际,教师

2013.10–2014.06  中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,访问研究


1. bwin国际教学研究项目:课程思政在《遗传学》教学中的实施路径探索,2022.09–2024.08,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上基金(32071477):氧化应激增强质体介导RNAi抗棉铃虫效果的分子机制及应用研究,2021.01–2024.12,主持

3. 湖北省重点研发计划:油茬稻稻田低碳栽培及稻米品质检测关键技术研发,2021.01–2023.12,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31700227):PP2A-B'γ在过氧化氢诱导的细胞死亡中的机理研究,2018.01–2020.12,主持

5. 湖北省人才项目,2017.07–2022.06,主持



1. Li S*. (2023) Novel insight into functions of ascorbate peroxidase in plants: more than a simple antioxidant enzyme. Redox Biology 64, 102789. (IF2023 = 11.4)

2. Li S, Kim DS, Zhang J. (2023) Plastid-mediated RNA interference: a potential strategy for efficient insect pest control. Plant Cell & Environment 46, 2595–2605.

3. Yang S, Deng Y, Li S*. (2022) Advances in plastid transformation for metabolic engineering in higher plants. aBIOTECH 3, 224–232.

4. Li S, Shen P, Wang B, Tian M, Chen T, Han Y. (2022) Modification of chloroplastic antioxidant capacity by plastid transformation technology in tobacco. Methods in Molecular Biology 2526, 313.

5. Chen Q, Shen P, Bock R, Li S*, Zhang J*. (2022) Comprehensive analysis of plastid gene expression during fruit development and ripening of kiwifruit. Plant Cell Reports 41, 11031114.

6. Li S*, Ding H, Deng Y, Zhang J. (2021) Knockdown of quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase results in decreased salicylic acid -mediated pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Science 22, 8484.

7. Li S, Chang L, Zhang J. (2021) Advancing organelle genome transformation and editing for crop improvement. Plant Communications 2, 100141. (IF2023 = 10.5)

8. Ding H, Wang B, Han Y, Li S*. (2020) Dehydroascorbate reductase, a pivotal regulator in ascorbate-glutathione pathway in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 71, 3405–3416.

9. Zhang Y, Xu L, Li S*, Zhang J*. (2019) Bacteria-mediated RNA interference for management of Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Insects 10, 415.

10. Wang B, Ding H, Chen Q, Ouyang L, Li S*, Zhang J*. (2019) Enhanced tolerance to methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress via AtGR2 expression from chloroplast genome. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 1178.

11. Chen Q, Wang B, Ding H, Zhang J*, Li S*. (2019) The role of NADP-malic enzyme in plants under stress. Plant Science 281, 206–212.

12. Rahantaniaina MS#, Li S#, Chatel-Innocenti G, Andrée Tuzet A, Issakidis-Bourguet E, Mhamdi A, Noctor G. (2017) Chloroplastic and cytosolic dehydroascorbate reductases co-operate in oxidative stress-driven activation of the salicylic acid pathway. Plant Physiology 174, 956–971.

13. Li S, Mhamdi A, Trotta A, Kangasjärvi S, Noctor G (2014) The protein phosphatase subunit PP2A-B'γ is required to suppress daylength-dependent pathogenesis responses triggered by intracellular oxidative stress. New Phytologist 202, 145–160.

14. Li S#, Mhamdi A#, Dizengremel P, Jolivet Y, Noctor G. (2013) Analysis of knockout mutants suggests that Arabidopsis NADP-MALIC ENZYME2 does not play an essential role in determining phenotypes or regulating redox state in response to oxidative stress of intracellular or extracellular origin. Journal of Experimental Botany 64, 3605–3614.

15. 吴梦婷,王海涛,张淼,许文博,张望,李圣纯*.2022)利用植物质体转基因技术高效表达抗人源白介素6单链抗体. 生物工程学报 382269-2280.


1. Xu W, Li S, Bock R, Zhang J. (2023) A heat-inducible expression system for external control of gene expression in plastids. Plant Biotechnology Journal in press

2. Li Y, Xu H, He W, Rong H, Li S, Kim D, Han P, Yang Y, Zhang J. (2023) Silencing of insect dsRNase genes enhances the plastid-mediated RNAi effect on the Colorado potato beetle. Entomologia Generalis 43, 69–77.

3. Wu M, Zhang Q, Dong Y, Wang Z, Zhan W, Ke Z, Li S, He L, Ruf S, Bock R, Zhang J. (2023) Transplastomic tomatoes expressing double-stranded RNA against a conserved gene are efficiently protected from multiple spider mites. New Phytologist 237, 1363–1373.

4. Xu W, Zhang M, Li Y, He W, Li S, Zhang J. (2023) Complete protection from Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata by expressing long double-stranded RNAs in potato plastid. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 65, 10031011

5. Dong Y, Wu M, Zhang Q, Fu J, Loiacono FV, Yang Y, Wang Z, Li S, Chang L, Bock R, Zhang J. (2022) Control of a sap-sucking insect pest by plastid-mediated RNA interference. Molecular Plant 15, 1176–1191.

6. Wu M, Dong Y, Zhang Q, Li S, Chang L, Loiacono FV, Ruf S, Zhang J, Bock R. (2022) Efficient control of western flower thrips by plastid-mediated RNA interference. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, e2120081119.

7. Fu J, Xu S, Lu H, Li F, Li S, Chang L, Heckel DG, Bock R, Zhang J. (2022) Resistance to RNA interference by plant-derived double-stranded RNAs but not plant-derived short interfering RNAs in Helicoverpa armigera. Plant, Cell & Environment 45, 1930–1941.

8. Zhang T, Ma M, Chen T, Zhang L, Fan L, Zhang W, Wei B, Zhang D, Li S, Xuan W, Noctor G, Han Y. (2020) Arabidopsis S-nitrosoglutathione reductase1 coordinates glutathione-mediated activation of salicylic acid pathway in response to intracellular oxidative stress. Plant Cell & Environment 43, 1175–1191.

9. Durian G, Jeschke V, Vuorinen K, Rahikainen M, Gollan P, Glawischnig E, Winter Z, Li S, Noctor G, Aro EM, Kangasjärvi J, Overmyer K, Burow M, Kangasjärvi S. (2020) Protein phosphatase 2A-B′γ controls Botrytis cinerea resistance and developmental leaf senescence. Plant Physiology 182, 1161–1181.

10. Kangasjärvi S, Neukermans J, Li S, Aro E, Noctor G. (2012) Photosynthesis, photorespiration, and light signalling in defence responses. Journal of Experimental Botany 63, 1619–1636.


1.    李圣纯*王家琦,陈楚铭.2023)文献导读在细胞工程教学中的实践. 科教导刊 31, 4850.

2.    李圣纯*,刘会.2022)遗传学教学中若干问题的讨论. 生物学通报57, 36–38.

3.    李圣纯*,张江.2021)《细胞工程》教学中融合思政教育的探索. 教育现代化 8, 172–174.


1. 2023年,国际遗传工程机器大赛(iGEM),银奖(第三导师)

2. 2023年,第二届中非青年创新创业大赛,一等奖(第一导师)

3. 2023年,“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,省赛金奖(第一导师)

4. 2020年,2018级硕士丁海燕获国家奖学金

5. 2019年,2017级硕士王必鹏获国家奖学金


1. 2020~2022年度,bwin国际优秀教师

2. 2016年,入选湖北省省级人才

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