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1996.09-2002.07      华中农业大学,微生物学,博士学位

1992.09-1996.06      华中农业大学,本科,学士学位


2023.8至今  bwin国际,教授,博士生导师

2019-2023   武汉大学bwin国际,副经理

2018-2019   武汉大学bwin国际,经理助理

2017-2023   武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室,副主任

2009-2023   武汉大学bwin国际/病毒学国家重点实验室,教授

2005-2009   美国克利夫兰临床医院,分子遗传学系,博士后

2002-2005  法国里昂第一大学感染与免疫学系,博士后


1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“人副流感病毒3型复制细胞器生物合成及功能发挥的分子机制”(82130064),2022.01-2026.12290万,主持

2. 国家重点研发计划病原学与防疫技术体系研究专项“病毒复制与宿主相互作用研究及药物靶点发现”(2021YFC2300702), 2021.12-2024.11687万,主持

3. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目“RNA病毒感染和致病的分子机制”(81825015),2019.01-2023.12400万,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“人副流感病毒诱导的线粒体自噬及其调控先天免疫和病毒 复制的机制”(316300862017.01-2021.12287万,主持

5. 湖北省重点研发计划“靶向宿主囊泡运输途径关键调节因子RAB11的广谱型抗呼吸道病毒多肽研发”(2023BCB087),2023.01-2025.12100万,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“人副流感病毒3型核衣壳蛋白的功能研究”(814719392015.01-2018.12100万,主持

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“水泡性口炎病毒磷酸蛋白氨基端磷酸化的功能研究”(81271816),2013-201670万,主持

8. 国家重点研发计划重点专项(2017YFA05058002017-2022130万,参与

9. 国家科技重大专项艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治2018ZX10101004 2018-2020114万,参与

10. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2014-201650万,主持

11. 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体(2017CFA0222017-201950万,主持

12. 湖北省杰出青年基金 2014-201610万,主持

五、代表性成果* 通讯作者)

1. Liu P, Zhang S, Ma J, Jin D, Qin Y*, Chen M*. Vimentin inhibits α-tubulin acetylation via enhancing α-TAT1 degradation to suppress the replication of human parainfluenza virus type 3. PLoS Pathog. 2022. 18(9): e1010856. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010856

2. Guo D, Yu X, Wang D, Li Z, Zhou Y, Xu G, Yuan B, Qin Y*, Chen M*. SLC35B2 acts as a dual role in the host sulfation required for EV71 infection. Journal of Virology. 2022 May 11;96(9): e0204221.doi: 10.1128/jvi.02042-21.

3. Fan S, Xu Z, Liu P, Qin Y*Chen M*. Enterovirus 71 2A protease inhibits P-Body formation to promote viral RNA synthesis J Virol. 2021 Sep 9; 95(19): e0092221.

4. Zhang L, Zhou S, Chen M, Yan J, Yang Y, Wu L, Jin D, Yin L, Chen M*, Qin Y*. P300-mediated NEDD4 acetylation drives ebolavirus VP40 egress by enhancing NEDD4 ligase activity. PLoS Pathogens. 2021 Jun 10;17(6): e1009616. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009616. eCollection 2021 Jun.

5. Hui X#, Zhang L#, Cao L, Huang K, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Chen X, Lin X*Chen M*, Jin M*. SARS-CoV-2 promote autophagy to suppress type I interferon response. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021 May 8;6(1):180. doi: 10.1038/s41392-021-00574-8.

6. Cheng Q, Huai W, Wu X, Chen M*. Sumoylation of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Phosphoprotein 2 Correlates with a Reduction in Viral Replication. Virol Sin. 2020. Online.

7. Wu L, Jin D, Wang D, Jing X, Gong P, Qin Y*, Chen M*. The two-stage interaction of Ebola virus VP40 with nucleoprotein results in a switch from viral RNA synthesis to virion assembly/budding. Protein Cell. 2022 2022 Feb;13(2):120-140. doi: 10.1007/s13238-020-00764-0. 

8. Li Z, Guo D, Qin Y*, Chen M*. PI4KB on inclusion bodies formed by ER membrane remodeling facilitates replication of human parainfluenza virus type 3. Cell Reports. 2019. 29(8):2229-2242.

9. Zhang Q#, Sharma N#, Zheng Z*, Chen M*. Viral Regulation of RNA Granules in Infected Cells. Virol Sin. 2019 Apr;34(2):175-191.

10. Tang Q, Liu P, Chen M*, Qin Y*. 2019. Virion-Associated Cholesterol Regulates the Infection of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3. Viruses. May 15;11(5).

11. Yang X, Hu Z, Zhang Q, Fan S, Zhong Y, Guo D, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2019. SG formation relies on eIF4GI-G3BP interaction which is targeted by picornavirus stress antagonists. Cell Discov. eCollection.

12. Zhang L, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2018. Viral strategies for triggering and manipulating mitophagy. Autophagy. 14(10):1665-1673.

13. Zhang S#, Cheng Q#, Luo C, Qin Y*, Chen M*. 2018. Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Matrix Protein Reduces Viral RNA Synthesis of HPIV3 by Regulating Inclusion Body Formation. Viruses. 11;10(3).

14. Hu Z, Wang Y, Tang Q, Yang X, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2018. Inclusion bodies of human parainfluenza virus type 3 inhibit antiviral stress granule formation by shielding viral RNAs. PLoS Pathog 14(3): e1006948.

15. Yang X, Hu Z, Fan S, Zhang Q, Zhong Y, Guo D, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2018 Picornavirus 2A protease regulates stress granule formation to facilitate viral translation. PLoS Pathog 14(2): e1006901. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006901.

16. Zhang S#, Cheng Q#, Luo C, Yin L, Qin Y*, Chen M*. 2018. An alanine residue in human parainfluenza virus type 3 phosphoprotein is critical for restricting excessive N0-P interaction and maintaining N solubility. Virology. 518:64-76.

17. Ding B#, Zhang L#, Li Z, Zhong Y, Tang Q, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2017. The Matrix Protein of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Induces Mitophagy that Suppresses Interferon Responses. Cell Host & Microbe. 21(4):538-547.

18. Zhang S#, Jiang Y#, Cheng Q, Zhong Y, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2017. Inclusion body fusion of human parainfluenza virus type 3 regulated by acetylated α-tubulin enhances viral replication. Journal of Virology. 91(3). pii: e01802-16.

19. Jiang Y, Qin Y*, Chen M*. 2016. Host-Pathogen Interactions in Measles Virus Replication and Anti-Viral Immunity. Viruses, 8 (11), E308 (Invited review).

20. Yan Q#, Wu L#, Chen L, Qin Y*, Pan Z*, Chen M*. 2016. Vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccines expressing EV71 virus-like particles elicit strong immune responses and protect newborn mice from lethal challenges. Vaccine. 34:4196-4204.

21. Zhang G#, Zhong Y#, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2015. Interaction of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Nucleoprotein with Matrix Protein Mediates Internal Viral Protein Assembly. Journal of Virology. 90(5):2306-15.

22. Ding B, Qin Y, Chen M*. 2016. Nucleocapsid proteins: roles beyond viral RNA packaging. WIREs RNA. 7(2):213-26. (Invited review).

23. Chen L, Zhong Y, Hu Z, Qin Y. Chen M. Chen M*. 2016. Two second-site mutations compensate the engineered mutation of R7A in vesicular stomatitis virus nucleocapsid protein. Virus Research, 214:59-64.

24. Chen L#, Yan Q#, Lu G, Hu Z, Zhang G, Zhang S, Ding B, Jiang Y, Zhong Y, Gong P, Chen M*. 2015. Several residues within the N-terminal arm of vesicular stomatitis virus nucleoprotein play a critical role in protecting viral RNA from nuclease digestion. Virology.478:9-17.

25. Ding B, Zhang G, Yang X, Zhang S, Chen L, Yan Q, Xu M, Banerjee AK, Chen M*. 2014. Phosphoprotein of human parainfluenza virus type 3 blocks autophagosome-lysosome fusion to increase virus production. Cell Host & Microbe.15(5):564-77.

26. Zhang G, Zhang S, Ding B, Yang X, Chen L, Yan Q, Jiang Y, Zhong Y, Chen M*. 2014. A Leucine Residue in C-terminus of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 Matrix Protein Is Essential for Efficient Virus-Like Particle and Virion Release. Journal of Virology. 88(22):13173-88.

27. Zhang S, Chen L, Zhang G, Yan Q, Yang X, Ding B, Tang Q, Sun S, Hu Z, Chen M*. 2013. An amino acid of human parainfluenza virus type 3 nucleoprotein is critical for template function and cytoplasmic inclusion body formation. Journal of Virology. 87(22):12457-70.

28. Chen L, Zhang S, Banerjee AK and Chen M*. 2013. N-Terminal Phosphorylation of Phosphoprotein of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Is Required for Preventing Nucleoprotein from Binding to Cellular RNAs and for Functional Template Formation. Journal of Virology. 87(6):3177-86.

29. Chen M, Ogino T, Banerjee AK*. 2007. Interaction of vesicular stomatitis virus P and N proteins: Identification of two overlapping domains at the N-terminus of P that are involved in N0-P complex formation and encapsidation of viral genome RNA. Journal of Virology. 81(24):13478-85.

30. Chen M, Ogino T, Banerjee AK*. 2006. Mapping and functional role of the self-association domain of vesicular stomatitis virus phosphoprotein. Journal of Virology. 80(19): 9511-8.

31. Chen M and Gerlier D*. 2006.Viral Hijacking of Cellular Ubiquitination Pathways as an Anti-Innate Immunity Strategy. Viral Immunology. 19(3): 349-362.

32. Chen M, Cortay JC, Logan IR, Sapountzi V, Robson CN, Gerlier D*. 2005. Inhibition of ubiquitination and stabilization of human ubiquitin E3 ligase PIRH2 by measles virus phosphoprotein. Journal of Virology. 79(18): 11824-36.

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